
Account Payable Specialist

Due to our client’s business expansion, the Finance Team is looking for an energetic colleague with a “can do” attitude who enjoys working with numbers and other teams globally. As an Account Payable Specialist, you will be responsible for quick and accurate payment processing and will be required to undertake all relevant processes daily to help the company run faster.


  • Managing accounts payable using accounting software (Navision Dynamics) and other programs.
  • Processing expense requests following the accounting standards.
  • Analyzing workflow processes, defining improvement plans, and recommending potential solutions to issues.
  • Ensuring bills are paid in a timely and accurate manner while adhering to departmental procedures.
  • Ensuring data integrity and maintaining the appropriate documentation.
  • Processing due invoices for payments.
  • Informing initiators about the status of purchase orders.
  • Resolving day-to-day invoicing issues using purchasing tools and a systematic approach.


  • Currently pursuing or recently completed a bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance, Business, and Economics, or a related field.
  • Excellent communication skills (English).
  • Analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and interpersonal skills.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Proactive and innovative attitude with an improvement mindset.


  • Motivating income – base salary $800 NET.
  • A flexible work schedule 7 am – 4 pm / 8 am – 5 pm / 11 am – 7 pm / 12 pm – 8 pm.
  • Official employment and social benefits (IT-park company).
  • International and multicultural experience.
  • Engagement with an international group of companies with strong values and an inclusive corporate culture.
  • Participation in global projects for interested professionals.
  • Career growth and development opportunities.
  • Modern office with all facilities and relaxation areas, located in the heart of Botanica district, Chisinau.

Travel Agent

If you are fluent in English, empathetic, and curious, become a Travel Data Specialist!
As a Travel Data Specialist, you have a passion for the travel industry, enjoy building connections with people, and are a natural problem-solver.


  • Build and maintain reliable relationships with clients to ensure customer satisfaction. 
  • Gather client needs and preferences to identify suitable flight options. 
  • Offer additional services to enhance the comfort and convenience of clients’ flights. 
  • Engage in ongoing training and development to stay updated on industry trends and best practices. 
  • Collaborate with teammates to address complex cases and provide effective solutions. 
  • Prepare insightful reports based on gathered data to assess performance and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Maintain continuous communication with clients throughout the flight selection and purchasing process, providing timely updates and assistance as needed. 


  • C1 Level of English minimum.
  • Flexibility with hours of availability.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Good negotiation and communication skills.


  • Average $2500-$5000 + (guaranteed base salary+unlimited bonuses)

Operator a datelor financiare

Datorită extinderii afacerii, suntem acum în căutarea unui Operator a datelor financiare. Operatorul a datelor financiare este, în general, responsabil de elaborarea rapoartelor lunare privind conturile de gestiune.


  • Să efectueze calculele necesare zilnic și lunar.
  • Să introducă datele necesare în software-ul ERP.
  • Să efectueze reconcilierea discrepanțelor, dacă este cazul.
  • Să sprijine echipa financiară cu documentația necesară.
  • Să comunice cu vânzătorii, agenții, angajații, auditorii prin intermediul e-mailurilor/MS Teams cu privire la sarcinile și problemele obișnuite, dacă este cazul
  • Să asigure consolidarea documentației.


  • Educație financiară;
  • O înțelegere solidă a principiilor de bază ale contabilității și ale contabilității de plată.
  • Cunoștințe de limba engleză și abilități de comunicare clară.
  • Cunoștințe avansate de Excel/Word/alte programe MS Office.
  • Atenție la detalii.
  • Dorința de a accepta sarcini noi.
  • Abilități de gestionare a timpului.


  • Salariu de bază 600 USD NETTO.
  • Program de lucru 5/2, de la 9AM – 6PM.
  • Angajare oficială și beneficii sociale (companie IT-parc).
  • Experiență internațională și multiculturală.
  • Angajare într-un grup internațional de companii cu valori puternice și o cultură corporativă incluzivă.
  • Participare la proiecte globale pentru profesioniștii interesați.
  • Oportunități de creștere și dezvoltare a carierei.
  • Birou modern cu toate facilitățile și zone de relaxare, situat în inima sectorului Botanica, Chișinău.