
The Pros and Cons of Third-Party Training Resources

April 26, 2023

Corporate training can be a significant challenge for businesses of all sizes due to limited resources, and the need to create engaging, relevant, and up-to-date training material. Inna Solomatina, HR director at Dynatech, suggests that while third-party online education platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and MasterClass offer cost-effectiveness and flexibility, they may not be the most effective means of achieving behavioral changes within an organization.

Classical, custom in-house training and courses are the best way to ensure that corporate learning leads to behavior change and financial benefit for the company,” Solomatina says. “By customizing the training to the organization’s specific needs, employees are better equipped to apply their learning to their everyday tasks, which leads to improved productivity, higher quality work, and increased job satisfaction.

While such platforms offer quick solutions to address specific skills or knowledge gaps, they lack personalization, which is vital in creating a training program that matches the unique needs of an organization.

Inna adds that “one of the great initiatives in our organization is to conduct lectures organized by our employees who share their successes and failures.” This not only provides a cost-effective way to develop employees, but it also serves as a powerful motivational tool for them to apply their skills and share their experiences.

To learn more about the pros and cons of third-party training resources, read the full article here.