Taking a break from the day-to-day stresses of life is an essential way to recuperate and recharge. Of course, there’s more than one way to plan a vacation. While some people view travel as a chance to take a well-deserved break not only from their responsibilities but also their health habits, others put health front and center on vacation by choosing a wellness retreat. More and more often, people are opting for the latter. They’re seeking out exercise programs, organic menus, spas for deep relaxation, and increasingly, tech-driven wellness assessments that can guide their health going forward. These wellness-oriented vacations are growing in popularity, and experts say they’re not likely to lose steam any time soon. In fact, the wellness travel market is currently valued at over $600 billion and is expected to grow to $1.1 trillion by 2025, according to the Global Wellness Institute (GWI). “Holistic health and prevention are increasingly at the center of consumer decision-making, and people now expect to continue their healthy lifestyles and wellness routines when they are away from home,” GWI wrote in a recent report. “With so much unwellness embedded in today’s travel, wellness tourism brings the promise of combating those negative qualities and turning travel into an opportunity to maintain and improve our holistic health.”
Mercedes Zach, a travel agent working with ASAP Tickets, says she’s seen a notable uptick in requests for wellness-oriented travel—and that now is a popular time to start planning. Continue reading here