Remember how perfectly you prepared your budget? You listed everything that goes into a typical month, added in those costs that arise periodically, subtracted the total from your income and calculated the amount you can set cash away for the future. And then, bam. An expense from out of the blue upends all your hard work. There goes savings, here comes debt.
According to a 2024 PYMNTS report, 56% of U.S. consumers had to deal with at least one surprise expenditure in the last 12 months, with an average cost of $5,500. Although it’s not possible to anticipate every potential expense, it’s always worth considering those that fall outside the norm. Here are six common yet often unforeseen costs – and how to create a budget elastic enough to manage them without excess stress.
To read what Alonso Marley, a travel expert at Skylux Travel, said, click here